Saturday, September 03, 2005

No Time Like The Present, Right?

Well, almost right. My dreams of marrying a wonderful man and then having two precious children have come true. I couldn't be happier. However, my dream of becoming (or trying to become) an accomplished photographer has yet to be realized. I've put this off for far too long now. I always had's too expensive starting out, there's no financial security (unless I'm hugely successful, and even that would take time), I'm just not talented enough, I'm too old to start a new career. It's that last excuse that gives me my new-found motivation. If I think I'm too old now, just wait til I'm 45 or 50, then I'll surely feel too old to begin a new profession! My excuse of late has been, of course, "my children take up so much time," but I'm not even going to succomb to that rationale. So, hence the title of this post, "No time like the present" has prompted my current motivation.

I own 3 cameras and, believe it or not, if I'm too pursue this endeavor, I MUST have a new one! I'll keep checking the website of my favorite photo supply shop, B&H Photo, until I finally find a deal on a digital SLR that I can't pass up.

In the meantime, I'll spend my free-time (brief and minimal as it is these days) purusing sites of professional photographers in an attempt to improve my skills of composition and such. I'll post some of my favorite photographers' site links in the right-hand sidebar for the rest of you to view if you're interested. And, hopefully, my days of working as a video producer/editor will be helpful. I think I should also befriend some good photographers who won't mind sharing some tips and tricks of the trade with me. If I could just remember Chris' last name! Chris was the instructor of a black/white photo class I took MANY years ago in college. A very talented photographer who spent years as a freelancer for many reputable publications, Chris also proved to be a wonderful teacher. It was during this class that I stumbled upon the life and works of Dorthea Lange. Traveling the Dust Bowl during the Depression, Dorthea's photographs of the people she encounters depict in full detail the hardships endured during this time. One of her most notable photographs is "The Migrant Mother." Dorthea is an inspirational photographer AND an inspirational woman.

I'll continue to practice with my 3 mediocre cameras using Sydney and Sarah as my subjects.


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