Friday, November 11, 2005


Halloween was a busy night for Sydney and Sarah. We partied with our playgroup pals in Hillsboro Village from 4:30 to 6:00. The girls pigged-out on pizza, popcorn and chocolate chip cookies. YUM! As pictured, Sarah was particulary interested in Maddie Calvert's Snow White wig.

Sydney was never without a slice of pizza in one hand and a cookie in the other. Jonathon McDevitt was her partner-in-crime for the moment.

I managed to get one decent picture of the sisters before their costumes were dripping with candy and other messy treats.

Then, it was back to Wesley Court for some trick-or-treating with the neighborhood kids. Jack Nelson checks out the wagon. Below, Lucy and Charlotte Mays ring some doorbells with Sarah and Syd. Sydney seemed to think she was supposed to actually walk inside the houses when they'd open the door. She eventually caught on to the whole trick-or-treat thing. Believe it or not, the girls had baths and were in bed by 8:45! Now, if Sydney can just forget all about her pumpkin full of candy!


Blogger Paige said...

What cuties! Joshua had a great time too. He has finally seemed to forget about his pumpkin full of candy. At least he hasn't asked for any in a couple days.

8:02 AM  

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