Thursday, September 15, 2005


She's only 2 1/2 and already a mischevious child! I go to pick Sydney up from school today (her 2nd day at this new school) and the director mentions to me as I'm walking out the door that Sydney pulled the fire alarm today! The lights are flashing, the screeching alarms are sounding and everyone (teachers, preschoolers, toddlers, babies) is evacuating the building. The director explains to me that she managed to call the fire department "just in the knick of time" to tell them it was a false alarm. Okay, my first thought is, "Why the heck are the fire alarm levers so low that a toddler can reach them?" Is this for handicap accessibility? Next, "What do you expect a toddler to do when she sees something interesting like that on the wall within her reach?" I couldn't tell if the director actually thought Sydney should have known better. Now, I'm worried that since Sydney now knows what happens when you pull that red lever on the wall, she may just do it again! She's not a bad kid! She's just curious...and, maybe a little mischevious at times.


Blogger chez bez said...

Is it OK that I am laughing out loud at this?

She'll get an N on her report card for "nefarious."

12:45 AM  

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